Andy – USA

Hi Sarah

Thank you again for everything! We had a fantastic time in Bordeaux. See feedback below:

Hotel: We loved this hotel! We could have honestly just stayed at the hotel for the two days and we would have had a great time! 

Bike: I really liked the tour and the tour guide was very attentive!! He actually took some pictures of us that it would be great to see! 

Wine tours: We LOVED the first tour! We have both gone on wine tours before, but this was the first time that we got a tour that took us around the vineyards. We loved walking through the vineyards and trying out all the grapes while learning about the process. The second vineyard was also interesting because they are certified biodynamic so they had a slightly different approach to the process. 

Restaurant: We really liked the restaurant we went to for lunch – the food was great and the space was super cute! 

Our driver (who by the way was great!) also took us to a really nice wine shop  on our way back to the hotel. This was great because it allowed us to try a few more wines from the region.