Monaco Grand Prix

FROM 26 TO 29 MAY 2016

Event type:   – Formula 1 World Championship

Event Name: Monaco Grand Prix

Location : MONACO

Description:  Monaco Grand Prix has been held by the Monaco Automobile Club since 1929. The circuit covers the narrow territory of the Principality of Monaco, which stretches along a narrow strip of coast that reaches an almost vertical incline in places. This circuit features on the calendar of the Formula 1 World Championship, and is considered the slowest and hardest circuit. With a top speed of over 300 km/h, the slightest error can be fatal. Faced with these difficulties, many drivers have dreamed of winning the Grand Prix, whose list of winners includes big names like Schumacher, Senna, Prost, Fangio and Graham Hill.

Watching the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix is an unforgettable moment. Free trials and qualifiers take place on the first days. The last day is the race itself, and the Grand Prix in 78 laps.